Credited allows you to gain insights into your finances like never before. Keep track of all your earnings and easily categorise them to gain a better understanding of where your money is coming from.
• Financial Years
Credited shows data on the basis of financial year. You can see credits in individual months of that financial year. Tap on the button in top-left corner to change selected financial year.
• Tags
You can tag credits with multiple tags to further categorise them.
• Summary
You can see overall summary, financial year summary or even monthly summary. These summaries include charts.
• Widgets
See your financial year summary or monthly summary on home screen with widgets.
• Upcoming Credits
Add payments that haven’t been credited yet but will be credited on a future date.
• Merge History
Merge credits with same description in same month into one.
• Custom App Icons
Choose from 8 different app icons. See which icon suits your style!